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Peace Corps Georgia Assignment: a Brief Summary 2014-2016

As I close out my Georgia Peace Corps Service 2014-2016 I would like to answer a few questions, and also summarize my service. It seems...

Saturday, July 4, 2015

US Independence Day celebration in Koda

Just a quick post to wish you all a happy 4th!   Koda celebrated our 4th of July a little early.  But we did it!  I made hot dogs, baked beans, German/American potato salad, and Hungarian cucumber salad - for 50 people, in my little kitchen with my little oven and camp stove :-)  But it turned out well and I had some good help and even a little donation for some of the food! I had to do several shifts for the beans.

I knew that everyone would be skeptical of 'sweet beans', and they were.  But it is fun sharing our culture, our food, our songs.  And of course we sang a lot of Georgian songs too.  Fun day. 

Happy 4th to all back home.  Love and miss you all! Miss the cool evening, the fireworks, family, friends, entertainment, music...  I guess I never really thought about what a nice holiday it really is. Next year I will appreciate it more.