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Peace Corps Georgia Assignment: a Brief Summary 2014-2016

As I close out my Georgia Peace Corps Service 2014-2016 I would like to answer a few questions, and also summarize my service. It seems...

Monday, July 21, 2014

Made it! I'm officially a Peace Corps volunteer

I passed the Georgian language test of intermediate level, was sworn in by the US ambassador Norland,  helped sing the Georgian national anthem at the ceremony ( based on two Georgian operas, is beautiful, google it!) and had a kick off meeting for a great new project - in four days.  I am working for an incredible organization and manager,  supporting 2000 internally displaced people from the 2008 Russian invasion of Georgia.  Great people and what great cooks too!  (Just saying)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

My assignment... but if you teach a man to fish...

So after six weeks of  language, culture and security training, we were given our two year Peace Corps assignment. I will be going to an IDP camp (internally displaced persons) called KODA, about forty minutes south of the capitol, Tblisi.  This is a group of 2000 Georgians that were displaced in the 2008 conflict when Russia invaded Georgia (for a second time since their independence in 1991) and took over a big chunk of land in the center of the country. In all, 20% of Georgian land is being occupied by Russia, and about 20% of its people have been displaced. It is so difficult because, as I have learned, that their land which was handed down through generations is the basis for their livelihoods in many cases from this area.

The camp has a reputation for being forward thinking and optimistic in character. I will work for a nonprofit that is funded by a German educational foundation (DVV) that has proven successful in the former Soviet states in training for new careers.  I hear these people are courageous and positive.  I hope to help with business development and finding sustainable employment and trainings for this group. I hope I can help, but I am sure I will learn more than I can offer them.

I asked to be with IDPs and, being a capitalist, I can easily relate to the old saying, " give a man a fish and he eats for a day. But teach a man to fish and he eats for his life." Many of these people believe the same, and that is why they are anxious to take training classes, etc.

By the way, if someone invaded the US and took 20% of our land, do you know what that would include?  Well I did the research. 20% of the US would cover:

Maine, Vermont, New Hamphire, New York (yep... All gone), Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia,  North Carolina,  and we even have to throw in Florida for good measure!  

Isn't it amazing. That is exactly what Georgians are feeling now.  One in every 5 people has lost their homes, many their livelihood, but they are still the giving, generous people that I have come to know and love.

And as far as the job market goes, it  also makes me think of western NC with all the lost industry the state has experienced over the last twenty years.  Maybe I will learn something I can take home with me?

... but first I have to pass the language exam in 2 weeks so I can be sworn in.  The jury is still out. :-) Happy Birthday America. It was special to celebrate it in Georgia, but great to be with a great group of special Americans too.  

Mandatory Disclaimer:  These views and opinions are mine and mine alone, not Peace Corps, or US Government or others, just me. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Supras: great music, singing and dances!

What a great supra tonight in our garden, under the grape vines and the stars! My host family father entertained his business partners with BBQ, salads, wine, watermelon and great bread. They all entertained with a great clarinet, accordion (Matt P. I took a close up picture for you) and drums.   And beautiful songs, ballads, dances and toasts.  And yep, I'm learning Georgian dances too.

Georgian Tamadas (toastmasters) are elegant speakers, and even share poetry.  But it sure made me realize that I have missed music, and our LGBD group, and will so miss the Kiedrich visit. Have a wonderful time in the States  Martina, Ralf, and everyone!