A great Organization called ACWW ( Associated Country Women of the World) came to Koda last year to help us. "ACWW is an association of women-led societies and groups working collectively for the shared vision of an improved quality of life for women and communities worldwide. With 420 member societies in 73 countries, ACWW gives voice to over 9 million rural and non-rural women.
Valerie pulls up the first bucket of water. |
I had the PRIVILEGE of meeting the President of the European region, an incredibly inspiring woman who challenged everyone she met to think how they could improve their lives. Valerie Stevens is a fireball of 84 years old. That in itself motivated a lot of women. She stayed with me a few nights and that also was quite a feat - water issues and all.
ACWW, an UK based organization, funded a small co-op farm business in my settlement. 4 families will have a thriving produce business if the business proforma we created is actualized. Madona, our Center Director, did an amazing job pulling together the plan, the budget, and will oversee the project management for the entire project - a lot of work.
Remember our residents are all seasoned and successful farmers from fertile S. Ossetia; they are just starting over here in a dry, flat former army base. So things aren't as easy. ACWW funded two wells - one for the business and one for the 40 families in one building. Here is our 'ribbon cutting' for the first well. Valerie joined us for the festivities. Great excitement!
Ribbon cutting with Valerie and Madona, our director The water tank behind it is for the drip irrigation |
Electricity is needed for the hose action. |
Festivities are motivating for everyone! |
Inga, next to Valerie, is the power behind the plan... with her family and coworkers |
Kimi and Ilo - my best buddy, translator when needed, and cultural teacher as needed too |
Organic crops, and we will do organic farming training as well as nutrition training at the Center |
The obligatory supra after the fact delicious as always from Inga. |
Thanks Valerie, for your inspiration and great connection with all the folks in Koda! |